Tuesday, October 6, 2009

We Have Moved!

... and we're still unpacking!

Your positive, professional, practical (perky?) patch team has just moved headquarters within the Christchurch Central Business District! We've moved from 96 Tuam Street to Leicester House, Level 2, 291 Madras Street! We're even mostly unpacked!

Moving is a great time for a change of scenery, a good sort out, and a fresh start.. that is, after the back breaking, nerve shattering, muscle straining moving is all done anyway! whew! I would relate moving into new offices, with existing funny-shaped desks and odd-sized equipment, to be much like a game of tetris on some advanced level! But we've done it! So you're welcome to come down and see us if you need any design work done and would like to talk to one of our designers face-to-face about getting your own fresh start - perhaps with a new logo, or some new signage around the office. You can do all the hard work but don't underestimate the positive effects on yourself or you staff of CHANGE! Some new colours on the walls, a coffee machine, an interesting plant?! Or a change in your own marketing personality through printed media!

Come and find us online at http://www.patchprint.co.nz for our full range of products to spruce up your image, or just get your name out there on a Large Format Poster, some Marketing Postcards, or perhaps some Printed Magnets?! Possibilities are only limited by your imagination as we can create customised products to suit your needs.

One of our recent customised jobs was for "Foam Hands" - like you would see people waving frantically at an American Football game. Well, we made them! So if you want to have an original product that is not normally found in New Zealand, starting thinking and give us a call!

Attention designers and those already in the printing trade - apply for Trade Access at our wholesale website here http://www.theproductionhouse.co.nz or contact us for more info. We will happily send out samples wherever required.

Time to add some SPRING into your company!

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