Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Is there anything we can do to help?

Hi all.

Thank you to many of you that have phoned in or emailed us to check that we're okay.

We experienced a couple of major outages that had knocked some of our servers out on Monday morning and then again for most of Tuesday, as well as an evacuation of our building on the Wednesday morning (so if you phoned on Wednesday - you now know why we weren't answering).

However, it is currently business as usual.

All presses are up and running an our partner print operations in the North Island have been available to cover any downtime.

The team here have been absolutely remarkable. Some staff have come to work not having a shower in days, others have continued to travel in to work at our TPH Head Offices on the 2nd floor of Leicester House, even with aftershocks still occuring.

Our own personal indented stock supplies appear to have eluded the 30 - 40% damaged stock that some paper merchants have experienced.

Should you experience a problem logging in to The Production House?
Simply re-try logging in again, otherwise give us a call on 0800 533 677. It may be that we've had a power outage and one of our servers has not restarted (which affects all login requests).

It's sometimes hard to know what you can do to help others that have lost a lot.

So, we'd like to offer any of our clients that have lost stationery in the earthquake through damage, the opportunity to get some temporary stationery reprinted at a heavily discounted rate to assist them back on their feet - while they get set up again.

If you are on of our clients that this applies to, then please contact one of our team on 0800 533 677 to discuss what we can do to help.

For all our other customers we've taken 30% off our recommended Full Retail Prices for the next 21 days. You simply need to enter "Quakeoffer" (one word) in the promotion code when ordering onnline, otherwise quote "Quake Offer" when ordering by phone or email.

If you have any questions, or there is anything we can do to assist, then please let us know.